Certificate in Community Access for Disabled People (Gozo)

Certificate in Community Access for Disabled People (Gozo)

Course Title

Certificate in Community Access for Disabled People (Gozo)

MQF Level


Duration and Credits

1 Year


Mode of Study

Part-time Evening

Information for International applicants

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After you receive an offer from us, our International Office will assist you with visas, accommodation and other related issues.

The Certificate in Community Access for Disabled People is offered at both the University of Malta and the University of Malta ֠Gozo Campus.

The main aim of this programme of study is to enable you to gain a deep understanding of disability, especially from the social and cultural aspect. It may be extended by another year of two semesters on a part-time basis leading to a Diploma in Community Access for Disabled People, and yet again extended to a further year of two semesters leading to a Higher Diploma in Community Access for Disabled People.

The course caters if you may need support to update or enhance your study skills and have attained the requisite level of education. For this reason, for the first semester there will be emphasis on content and method, to ensure that you become well-learned and gain confidence in carrying out assignments and being assessed.

The general aims of the programme of study are to enable you to:

  1. increase your knowledge of disability issues;
  2. be aware of and analyse the complexity of these issues; and
  3. be able to compare them to similar and related issues.

The programme of study is firmly embedded in the discipline of disability studies and therefore based on the social model of disability, that is the acknowledgement that the obstacles faced by disabled people in society arise not so much from their biological impairments as from the socially-created barriers that they face on a daily basis. Both disability studies and the social model are a product of the disabled people's movement whose rallying call is ‘nothing about us without us'. This means that disabled people should be involved in all work related to disability at all levels, since they are the ones who have the lived experience of disability. To this end, disabled people with the necessary qualifications will be involved in lecturing in the study units, while the concepts behind the social model and the ‘nothing about us without us' slogan will be the basis of the course content. It is also envisaged that some of the students will be disabled people themselves. This would greatly enhance your experience within the course in terms of learning how to give disabled people the opportunity to secure their rightful place in society.

Since the programme of study is based on three years of study with exit awards for each year, the study-units on offer are planned in a manner that the first year of studies provides the foundation with study-units covering all areas of study that need to be covered for the general aim to be reached. Thus, the first year, which leads to the award of a Level 5 Certificate, will be sufficient on its own if you decide to stop after the first year of study to reach the aims listed above and the learning outcomes listed below. At the same time, if you follow the programme of study at Diploma, and even more so at Higher Diploma level, you will be able to deepen your knowledge of relevant issues and increase your skills.

Semester 1
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
DBS1002 Study Skills for Disability Issues 6 ECTS   (NC)  
DBS1003 Building a Maltese Disabled People’s History 6 ECTS   (NC)  
DBS1004 Disability Issues in Practice 4 ECTS   (NC)  

Semester 2
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
DBS1005 Exploring Disabled People’s Expressions through the Arts 4 ECTS   (NC)  
DBS1006 Services for an Independent Life 4 ECTS   (NC)  
DBS1010 Disability Issues in Society 6 ECTS   (NC)  


This programme of study is governed by "The General Regulations for University Undergraduate Awards, 2019" and by the Bye-Laws for the award of the Higher Diploma in Community Access for Disabled People – H.Dip. C.A.D.P. - under the auspices of the Faculty for Social Wellbeing.

Certificate Award (Year 1)

The learning outcomes for the Certificate course are:

  1. identify sources of information such as journal papers, books, reports and other literature which are relevant to specific disability-related issues
  2. present and discuss disability-related issues in a manner which is clearly based on a knowledge of the relevant literature and the arguments and topics discussed in that literature
  3. report on disability-related issues in various formats, including in academic essays in English
  4. compare the results of different studies which are carried out in the disability sector and the opinions of leading thinkers on disability issues
  5. develop, implement and report on an activity that highlights one of the disability issues covered in the programme of studies.

Non EU Applicants:

Total Tuition Fees: Eur 4,250

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Since disability is becoming an increasingly important issue in our society, this course will provide you with skills that will increase your opportunities for employment in the social, welfare and/or community field in voluntary, non-governmental and governmental settings, especially those related to disability.


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